Know the cause of Jaw pain and how Osteopathy can help relieve it.
Jaw pain is generally caused by any discomfort at the temporomandibular joint. This joint is located just in front of the ears. The Temporomandibular joint is quite flexible and enables the base of the jaw to function properly. It is one of those joints that are used more frequently than other joints. This joint is built with two bones that are segregated by the fibrocartilaginous disc.
The Temporomandibular joint is covered with ligaments and muscles that control the position and jaw function. And when both the muscles are relaxed, both jaws can easily open or close, talk, yawn, chew, and move side to side comfortably.
Like any other joint of your body, an osteopath can effectively treat the jaw joint by professional Osteopathy Manchester treatment.
Reasons of jaw pain:
There are multiple reasons for pain in the temporomandibular joint. And an osteopath can effectively support you to manage the musculoskeletal concerns. There are chances that muscles can go out of control and the jaw become sealed or weak. This is usually connected to the neck and teeth dysfunction clenching because of high stress & anxiety.
There is a disc that is connected to the joint. If that disc is not positioned perfectly, then it can cause severe injury at the jaw. And that disc can also get dysfunctional because of the wear and tear of clicking or locking. Trauma at the face & head can likewise induce pain in the jaw.
The side effects of dental concerns can develop jaw pain. It can also happen because of keeping your mouth open for a longer period of time. Additional reasons for the dental concussion can be tooth removal, root canal, or other tooth extraction. Braces can also induce jaw pain, as the whole face & head have to adjust in straightening the teeth.
And some other jaw pain cases can also be connected to sinus congestion, eardrum infection, headache, toothache, and nerve pain.
Treatment or ways how Osteopathy can help relieve Temporomandibular pain.
Basically the treatment relies on the kind of temporomandibular joint problem you have. Generally an osteopath can help you facilitate your concerns with simple treatments. At Osteopathy Didsbury clinic will help you with the problem and treat you to relieve pain, like not being able to yawn widely or not able to chew properly.
** An osteopath can help you with giving you a few easy and effective jaw exercises. Those exercises will help you improve and strengthen the surrounding of your muscles.
** An osteopath can prescribe painkillers if needed to aid and ease your pain. The practitioner at Osteopathy Stockport clinic can even advise you to treat the affected area with a heating pad or ice pack to soothe your muscles.
** If necessary, an osteopath can also suggest you to wear a mouthguard or mouth splint. Splints are made up of a soft or hard plastic which fits your teeth area. The splint is also made by measuring your teeth and jaw area to customize it for you.
** An osteopath can also ask you to consult a jaw specialist if the symptoms are severe and not improving.
We understand the jaw pain can trouble us and affect our day to day life. If you too are suffering from temporomandibular pain or have any of the jaw pain concerns, osteopathy can heal you with the best.
At CT Clinic we treat you with exercises that can help you lessen discomfort and manage stress and reduce anxiety. For the best osteopathy service, you can reach out to us at or call at (+44) 0161 4597 034 & book an appointment now!
We can help you with the best assistance.
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